Source code for noma.bitcoind

bitcoind related functionality
from subprocess import call, run, PIPE, STDOUT, DEVNULL
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
from noma import rpcauth

[docs]def start(): """Start bitcoind docker compose container""" from noma.node import is_running if is_running("bitcoind"): print("bitcoind is running already") else: call(["docker", "start", "compose_bitcoind_1"])
[docs]def stop(): """Stop bitcoind docker compose container, if running""" from noma.node import is_running if is_running("bitcoind"): call(["docker", "exec", "compose_bitcoind_1", "bitcoin-cli", "stop"]) else: print("bitcoind is already stopped")
[docs]def fastsync(): """ Download blocks and chainstate snapshot :return bool: success status """ bitcoind_dir_path = "/media/archive/archive/bitcoin/" bitcoind_dir = pathlib.Path(bitcoind_dir_path) location = "" snapshot = "utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-mainnet-565305.tar" checksum = ( "8e18176138be351707aee95f349dd1debc714cc2cc4f0c76d6a7380988bf0d22" ) snapshot_path = bitcoind_dir / snapshot url = location + snapshot bitcoind_dir_exists = bitcoind_dir.is_dir() def set_permissions(working_path): print("Setting file and directory permissions") for path, dirs, files in os.walk(working_path): lncm_uid, lncm_gid = 1001, 1001 for directory in dirs: os.chown(os.path.join(path, directory), lncm_uid, lncm_gid) os.chmod(os.path.join(path, directory), 0o755) for file in files: os.chown(os.path.join(path, file), lncm_uid, lncm_gid) os.chmod(os.path.join(path, file), 0o744) def extract_snapshot(): print("Extract snapshot") os.chdir(bitcoind_dir_path) tar = run(["tar", "xf", snapshot_path]) print("Extracting done") if tar.returncode == 0: set_permissions(bitcoind_dir_path) def remove_snapshot(): assert IOError("Corrupt snapshot file") if snapshot_path.is_file(): print("Remove the utxoset-snapshot.* files to try again") # # os.remove(snapshot_path) # # state_file = pathlib.Path(snapshot_path + ".st") # if state_file.is_file(): # pass # # os.remove(snapshot_path + ".st") def compare_checksums(): print("Comparing checksums") openssl_location = run( ["which", "openssl"], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL ) if openssl_location.returncode == 0: # openssl is installed openssl = run( ["openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", snapshot_path], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, ) if openssl.returncode == 0: hash = str(bytes.decode(openssl.stdout)) hash = hash.split(" ")[1].rstrip() if hash == checksum: print("Checksums match") return True print("Checksums do not match:") print("Expected: " + str(checksum)) print(" Actual: " + str(hash)) return False raise OSError( "Cannot compare hashes: " + bytes.decode(openssl.stderr) ) else: shasum = run( ["sha256sum", snapshot_path], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE ) if shasum.returncode == 0: hash = shasum.stdout.split(" ")[0] print(hash) if hash == checksum: print("Checksums match") return True print("Checksums do not match: " + bytes.decode(shasum.stdout)) return False raise OSError( "Cannot compare hashes: " + bytes.decode(shasum.stderr) ) def download_snapshot(): os.chdir(bitcoind_dir_path) print("Download snapshot") download = run( ["axel", "--quiet", "--no-clobber", url], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, ) if download.returncode == 0: if compare_checksums(): extract_snapshot() else: remove_snapshot() download_snapshot() else: raise OSError("Download failed" + str(download.stdout)) print("Checking existing filesystem structure") if bitcoind_dir_exists: print("Bitcoin directory exists") if snapshot_path.is_file(): print("Snapshot archive exists") if pathlib.Path(bitcoind_dir / "blocks").is_dir(): print("Bitcoin blocks directory exists, stopping") print("Remove the directory to fastsync") return if pathlib.Path(bitcoind_dir / "chainstate").is_dir(): print("Bitcoin chainstate directory exists, stopping") print("Remove the directory to fastsync") return if compare_checksums(): extract_snapshot() else: download_snapshot() else: download_snapshot() else: print("Bitcoin directory does not exist, creating") if pathlib.Path("/media/archive/archive").is_dir(): pathlib.Path(bitcoind_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) download_snapshot() else: raise OSError( "Error: archive directory does not exist on your usb device" )
[docs]def create(): """Create bitcoind directory structure and config file""" bitcoind_dir = pathlib.Path("/media/archive/archive/bitcoin") bitcoind_config = pathlib.Path("/home/lncm/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf") if bitcoind_dir.is_dir(): print("bitcoind directory exists") else: print("bitcoind directory does not exist") bitcoind_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if bitcoind_config.is_file(): print("bitcoind bitcoin.conf exists") else: print("bitcoind bitcoin.conf does not exist, creating") shutil.copy(bitcoind_config, bitcoind_dir + "/bitcoin.conf")
[docs]def set_prune(prune_target, config_path=""): """Set bitcoind prune target, minimum 550""" if not config_path: config_path = "/media/archive/archive/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf" set_kv("prune", prune_target, config_path)
[docs]def set_rpcauth(config_path): """Write new rpc auth to bitcoind and lnd config""" import noma.lnd # TODO: Generate usernames too if not config_path: config_path = "/media/archive/archive/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf" if pathlib.Path(config_path).is_file(): auth_value, password = generate_rpcauth("lncm") set_kv("rpcauth", auth_value, config_path) noma.lnd.set_bitcoind(password) else: create()
[docs]def generate_rpcauth(username, password=""): """Generate bitcoind rpcauth string from username and optional password""" if not password: password = rpcauth.generate_password() salt = rpcauth.generate_salt(16) password_hmac = rpcauth.password_to_hmac(salt, password) auth_value = "{0}:{1}${2}".format(username, salt, password_hmac) try: with open("/media/important/important/rpc.txt", "a") as file: file.write( "rpcauth={r}\nusername={u}\npassword={p}".format( r=auth_value, u=username, p=password ) ) except Exception as error: print(error.__class__.__name__, ":", error) return auth_value, password
[docs]def check(): """Check bitcoind filesystem structure""" bitcoind_dir = "/media/archive/archive/bitcoin" bitcoind_dir_exists = pathlib.Path(bitcoind_dir).is_dir() if bitcoind_dir_exists: print("bitcoind directory exists") else: print("bitcoin folder missing") bitcoind_conf = "/media/archive/archive/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf" bitcoind_conf_exists = pathlib.Path(bitcoind_conf).is_file() if bitcoind_conf_exists: print("bitcoin.conf exists") else: print("bitcoin.conf missing") if bitcoind_conf_exists and bitcoind_dir_exists: return True return False
[docs]def get_kv(key, config_path): """ Parse key-value config files and print out values :param key: left part of key value pair :param config_path: path to file :return: value of key """ import itertools import configparser parser = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) with open(config_path) as lines: lines = itertools.chain( ("[main]",), lines ) # workaround: prepend dummy section parser.read_file(lines) return parser.get("main", key)
[docs]def set_kv(key, value, config_path): """ Set key to value in path kv pairs are separated by "=" :param key: key to set :param value: value to set :param config_path: config file path :return str: string written """ from fileinput import FileInput path = pathlib.Path(config_path) config_exists = path.is_file() if not config_exists: # create empty config file path.touch() current_val = None try: current_val = get_kv(key, config_path) except Exception as err: print(err) if value == current_val: # nothing to do print("{k} already set to {v}".format(k=key, v=value)) return if current_val is None: # key does not exist yet with open(config_path, "a") as file: # append kv pair to file file.write("\n{k}={v}".format(k=key, v=value)) else: with FileInput(config_path, inplace=True, backup=".bak") as file: for line in file: print(line.replace(current_val, value), end="")
if __name__ == "__main__": print("This file is not meant to be run directly")