Source code for noma.usb

USB and SD device related functionality
from os import path
from os import popen
from sys import exit
import glob
import re
import psutil
from subprocess import call

# TODO: handle mountable devices without partitions!

USB_DEV_PATTERN = ["sd.*"]
USB_PART_PATTERN = ["sd.[1-9]*"]
SD_DEV_PATTERN = ["mmcblk*"]
SD_PART_PATTERN = ["mmcblk.p[1-9]*"]

[docs]def is_mounted(device): """Check if a device is already mounted :param device: device or device + partition number :type device: string, e.g. "sda1" :return: True/False if device is mounted or not :rtype: bool """ partitions = psutil.disk_partitions() device_path = "/dev/" + device for i in partitions: if i.device == device_path: return True return False
[docs]def fs_size(fs_path): """Return filesystem size in bytes :param fs_path: path to mounted filesystem :return: filesystem size in bytes """ import shutil total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(fs_path) return total
[docs]def dev_size(device): """Return device size in bytes :param device: device :type device: string, e.g. "sda" :return: device size in bytes :rtype: int """ device_path = "/sys/block/" num_sectors = open(device_path + device + "/size").read().rstrip("\n") sector_size = ( open(device_path + device + "/queue/hw_sector_size") .read() .rstrip("\n") ) return int(num_sectors) * int(sector_size)
[docs]def usb_part_size(partition): """Return USB partition size in bytes :param partition: device :type partition: string, e.g. "sda" :return: partition size in bytes :rtype: int """ try: device_path = "/sys/block/" device = partition[:-1] num_sectors = ( open(device_path + device + "/" + partition + "/size") .read() .rstrip("\n") ) sector_size = ( open(device_path + device + "/queue/hw_sector_size") .read() .rstrip("\n") ) except TypeError: print("Not enough USB devices available") exit(1) else: return int(num_sectors) * int(sector_size)
[docs]def sd_part_size(partition): """Return SD partition size in bytes :param partition: device :type partition: string, e.g. "sda" :return: partition size in bytes :rtype: int """ try: device_path = "/sys/block/" device = partition[:-1] num_sectors = ( open(device_path + device + "/" + partition + "/size") .read() .rstrip("\n") ) sector_size = ( open(device_path + device + "/queue/hw_sector_size") .read() .rstrip("\n") ) except TypeError: print("Not enough USB devices available") exit(1) else: return int(num_sectors) * int(sector_size)
[docs]def usb_devs(): """list usb devices""" devices = [] for device in glob.glob("/sys/block/*"): for pattern in USB_DEV_PATTERN: if re.compile(pattern).match(path.basename(device)): devices.append(path.basename(device)) return devices
[docs]def sd_devs(): """list sd devices""" devices = [] for device in glob.glob("/sys/block/*"): for pattern in SD_DEV_PATTERN: if re.compile(pattern).match(path.basename(device)): devices.append(path.basename(device)) return devices
[docs]def usb_partitions(): """list usb partitions""" partitions = [] for device in usb_devs(): for partition in glob.glob("/sys/block/" + str(device) + "/*"): for pattern in USB_PART_PATTERN: if re.compile(pattern).match(path.basename(partition)): partitions.append(path.basename(partition)) return partitions
[docs]def sd_partitions(): """list sd partitions""" partitions = [] for device in sd_devs(): for partition in glob.glob("/sys/block/" + str(device) + "/*"): for pattern in SD_PART_PATTERN: if re.compile(pattern).match(path.basename(partition)): partitions.append(path.basename(partition)) return partitions
[docs]def usb_partition_table(): """list usb partition sizes""" table = {} for partition in usb_partitions(): table[partition] = int(usb_part_size(partition)) return table
[docs]def sd_partition_table(): """list sd partition sizes""" table = {} for partition in sd_partitions(): table[partition] = sd_part_size(partition) return table
[docs]def sd_device_table(): """list sd devices""" table = {} for device in sd_devs(): table[device] = dev_size(device) return table
[docs]def usb_device_table(): """list usb devices""" table = {} for device in usb_devs(): table[device] = dev_size(device) return table
[docs]def sort_partitions(): """sort partitions from smallest to largest""" usb_partitions = usb_partition_table() sorted_partitions = sorted(usb_partitions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) return sorted_partitions
[docs]def largest_partition(): """get largest device and partition name""" try: usb_partitions = sort_partitions() last = len(usb_partitions) - 1 largest = usb_partitions[last] except IndexError: print("Not enough USB devices available") exit(1) else: return str(largest[0])
[docs]def smallest_partition(): """get third largest device and partition name""" try: usb_partitions = sort_partitions() smallest = usb_partitions[0] except IndexError: print("Not enough USB devices available") exit(1) else: return str(smallest[0])
[docs]def medium_partition(): """get second largest device and partition name""" try: usb_partitions = sort_partitions() usb_partitions.pop(0) # remove smallest usb_partitions.pop(len(usb_partitions) - 1) # remove largest except IndexError: print("Not enough USB devices available") exit(1) else: return str(usb_partitions[0][0])
[docs]def largest_part_size(): """get partition size in bytes of largest partition""" return usb_part_size(largest_partition())
[docs]def uuid_table(): """list UUIDs of all block devices e.g. {'sdc1': 'd641d2b9-4fcd-4c83-9415-7ca4e7553a5d'} :return: dictionary of device names and UUIDs""" device_table = popen("blkid").read().splitlines() devices = {} for device in device_table: dev = device.split(":")[0].split("/")[2] uuid = device.split('UUID="')[1].split('"')[0] devices[dev] = uuid return devices
[docs]def get_uuid(device): """get uuid of device""" uuids = uuid_table() return str(uuids[device])
[docs]def usb_setup(): """start usb-setup with 3 devices""" print("Warning: using deprecated usb_setup routine!") largest = largest_partition() medium = medium_partition() smallest = smallest_partition() print("Starting USB installation") print("Using {} as archive storage".format(largest)) print("Using {} as volatile storage".format(medium)) print("Using {} as important storage".format(smallest)) lncm_usb = "/usr/local/sbin/lncm-usb" cli_invocation = [ lncm_usb, largest, medium, smallest, get_uuid(largest), get_uuid(medium), get_uuid(smallest), str(largest_part_size()), ] call(cli_invocation)
if __name__ == "__main__": print("This file is not meant to be run directly")