Source code for noma.node

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Node hardware and software management related functionality
import os
import shutil
from subprocess import call
import pathlib
import time
import psutil
import noma.config as cfg
import noma.lnd

[docs]def get_swap(): """Return amount of swap""" return round(psutil.swap_memory().total / 1048576)
[docs]def get_ram(): """Return amount of RAM""" return round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1048576)
[docs]def check(): """check box filesystem structure""" # TODO: only print when logging is enabled media_exists = bool(cfg.MEDIA_PATH.is_dir()) noma_exists = bool(cfg.NOMA_SOURCE.is_dir()) compose_exists = bool(cfg.COMPOSE_MODE_PATH.is_dir()) dir_exists_text = str(" directory exists") dir_missing_text = str(" directory is missing or inaccessible") if media_exists: print("✅ " + "Media" + dir_exists_text) else: print("❌ " + "Media" + dir_missing_text) if noma_exists: print("✅ " + "Noma" + dir_exists_text) else: print("❌ " + "Noma" + dir_missing_text) if compose_exists: print("✅ " + "Compose" + dir_exists_text) else: print("❌ " + "Compose" + dir_missing_text) if media_exists and noma_exists and compose_exists: return True return False
[docs]def start(): """Start default docker compose""" if is_running("lnd"): print("lnd is already running") exit(1) if not check() and not noma.lnd.check(): print("Fetching compose from noma repo") get_source() os.chdir(cfg.COMPOSE_MODE_PATH) call(["docker-compose", "up", "-d"])
def info(): # Show dashboard with aggregated information if is_running("lnd"): print("lnd is running") call(["docker", "exec", cfg.LND_MODE + "_lnd_1", "lncli", "getinfo"]) else: print("lnd is not running")
[docs]def devtools(): """Install common development tools, nano, tmux, git, etc""" call(["apk", "update"]) call( [ "apk", "add", "tmux", "sudo", "git", "rsync", "htop", "iotop", "nmap", "nano", ] )
[docs]def is_running(node=""): """Check if container is running :return bool: container is running""" from docker import from_env import requests if not node: node = "lnd" docker_host = from_env() compose_name = cfg.LND_MODE + "_" + node + "_1" try: for container in docker_host.containers.list(): if compose_name in return True except AttributeError: return None except ConnectionError: return None except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return None return False
[docs]def stop(timeout=1, retries=5): """Check and wait for clean shutdown of lnd""" def clean_stop(): # ensure clean shutdown of lnd print("lnd is running, stopping with lncli stop") success = call(["docker", "exec", cfg.LND_MODE + "_lnd_1", "lncli", "stop"]) if success == 0: print("✅ lncli stop returned success") else: print("❌ lncli stop failed") print("waiting " + str(timeout) + "s for lnd to stop...") time.sleep(timeout) for tries in range(retries): if is_running("lnd"): clean_stop() retries -= 1 else: print("✅ lnd is stopped") exit(0) print("❌ Failed to stop lnd")
[docs]def voltage(device=""): """ Get chip voltage (default: core) :param device: core, sdram_c, sdram_i, sdram_p :return str: voltage """ if not device: device = "core" call(["/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd", "measure_volts", device])
[docs]def temp(): """ Get CPU temperature :return str: CPU temperature """ cpu_temp_path = "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp" with open(cpu_temp_path, "r") as file: cpu_temp = return str(int(cpu_temp) / 1000) + "C"
[docs]def freq(device=""): """ Get chip clock (default: arm) :device str: arm, core, h264, isp, v3d, uart, pwm, emmc, pixel, vec, hdmi, dpi :return str: chip frequency """ if device: call(["/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd", "measure_clock", device]) else: call(["/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd", "measure_clock", "arm"])
[docs]def memory(device=""): """ Get memory allocation split between cpu and gpu :param str device: arm, gpu :return str: memory allocated """ if device: call(["/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd", "get_mem", device]) call(["/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd", "get_mem", "arm"])
[docs]def logs(node=""): """Tail logs of node specified, defaults to lnd""" if node: container_name = cfg.LND_MODE + "_" + node + "_1" call(["docker", "logs", "-f", container_name]) else: # default to lnd if node not given call(["docker", "logs", "-f", cfg.LND_MODE + "_lnd_1"])
[docs]def install_git(): """Install git""" if shutil.which("git"): pass else: call(["apk", "update"]) call(["apk", "add", "git"])
[docs]def get_source(): """Get latest noma source code or update""" install_git() if cfg.NOMA_SOURCE.is_dir(): print("Source directory already exists") print("Going to attempt update with git pull") os.chdir(cfg.NOMA_SOURCE) call(["git", "pull"]) else: # source does not exist call( [ "git", "clone", "", cfg.NOMA_SOURCE, ] )
[docs]def tunnel(port, hostname): """Keep the SSH tunnel open, no matter what""" while True: try: print("Tunneling local port 22 to " + hostname + ":" + port) port_str = "-R " + port + ":localhost:22" call( [ "autossh", "-M 0", "-o ServerAliveInterval=60", "-o ServerAliveCountMax=10", port_str, hostname, ] ) except Exception as error: print(error)
[docs]def reinstall(): """ Regenerate box.apkovl.tar.gz and mark SD as uninstalled Leaves FAT partition alone. kernel, kernel modules, containers, etc on the boot partition remain the same Since there is less to download this method is faster than reinstall --full """ install_git() get_source() os.chdir(cfg.NOMA_SOURCE) call(["git", "pull"]) print("Migrating current WiFi credentials") supplicant_sd = pathlib.Path("/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf") supplicant_gh = pathlib.Path("etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf") shutil.copy(supplicant_sd, supplicant_gh) call(["./"]) call(["mount", "-o", "remount,ro", "/dev/mmcblk0p1", "/media/mmcblk0p1"]) shutil.copy("box.apkovl.tar.gz", "/media/mmcbkl0p1/") os.remove("/media/mmcblk0p1/installed") call(["mount", "-o", "remount,ro", "/dev/mmcblk0p1", "/media/mmcblk0p1"]) print("Done") print("Please reboot to upgrade your box")
[docs]def full_reinstall(): """ Full reinstall replaces entire FAT contents (boot partition), and the ext4 data contents as if we installed from freshly burned SD card """ print("Starting upgrade...") install_git() get_source() os.chdir(cfg.NOMA_SOURCE) call(["git", "pull"]) call([""])
[docs]def do_diff(): """Diff current system configuration state with original git repository""" install_git() def make_diff(): print("Generating {h}/noma.diff".format(h=cfg.HOME_PATH)) call(["diff", "-r", "/media/noma", "{h}/noma".format(h=cfg.HOME_PATH)]) if cfg.NOMA_SOURCE.is_dir(): os.chdir(cfg.NOMA_SOURCE) print("Getting latest sources") call(["git", "pull"]) make_diff() else: get_source() make_diff()
if __name__ == "__main__": print("This file is not meant to be run directly")